
1. 上个礼拜,孟加拉新政策把小孩的结婚年龄限制降到零。立法者修订法例,在父母和法院同意下,可以容许18岁以下的小孩在「特别情况」或「对小孩有很大好处」的条件下结婚。   2. 维护女孩利益、拒绝童婚的组织「Girls Not Brides」(暂译:女生不当新娘) 指控法例没有定

March 11, 2017

1. 上个礼拜,孟加拉新政策把小孩的结婚年龄限制降到零。立法者修订法例,在父母和法院同意下,可以容许18岁以下的小孩在「特别情况」或「对小孩有很大好处」的条件下结婚。

Young Bangledeshi mother Meghla, 17, married her 30-year-old husband when she was just 15. Her father forged her birth certificate so she could marry


2. 维护女孩利益、拒绝童婚的组织「Girls Not Brides」(暂译:女生不当新娘) 指控法例没有定义「特别情况」或「对小孩有很大好处」,只把法律丢出来让民众自行解读,让女童的权益受损、被迫结婚,间接令强奸合法化。

The teenager sits with her husband Liton. The girl's own mother had married when she was just 16 and her grandmother had been just 17


3. 一名孟加拉政府官员则指出,法律不会被滥用,他们有考虑到穆斯林社会文化,并制定了保护机制。

Meghla and Liton walk with their baby girl in the city of Khulna, Bangladesh. She gave birth two months ago


4. 事实上,孟加拉是亚洲中童婚比例最高的国家,52%的女童在18岁前结婚,其中有18%更在15岁前就结婚了。

Meghla speaks positively about her marriage: 'The age difference is good because I'm young and he can guide me in life' 


5. 这些照片显示了17岁的梅格拉 (Meghla) 和16岁的拉妮 (Rani),正在面对未成年结婚的压力。

The young mother does her hair. 'If a girl is more than 20 and unmarried then she and her family are sexually harassed,' she says


6. 现在17岁的梅格拉,由于父亲伪造出生证,使她在15岁时嫁给了30岁的丈夫。梅格拉的母亲在16岁时结婚,而她的祖母则在17岁时出嫁。

Meghla is pictured hanging out with her friends


7. 两个月前,她生下了一个小孩。她对这个婚姻是乐观的,「年龄差距是好事,因为我很年轻,他可以指导带领我。」

Meghla's two-month-old baby sleeps in a cot. She is the latest female in a family full of under-age marriages


8. 「如果女生在20岁后仍未结婚,她和她的家人都会被性骚扰。」她说。

Meghla poses for a photo with her baby and her husband


9. 拉妮14岁时在压力下结婚,但她跟她的父亲其实都很不愿意。

Rani, 16, poses with her father Abdul and mother Pori. Rani was put under pressure to marry a boy when she was 14 despite the reluctance of her and her father


10. 当时,拉妮男友的家人发现了两人的关系后,强迫他们结婚。

Rani (blue scarf) walks with a friend with her father following on a bicycle to catch a rickshaw to take a school exam. When her boyfriend's family, who are politically connected in the area, discovered the relationship, they insisted for the couple to get married. The boy threatened to kill himself while his family said they would kidnap her if she did not agree


11. 男方当时以死相胁,但他的家人说如果拉妮不照做的话,就把拉妮绑架过来。

 Rani (blue scarf) chats with friends before taking an exam. She says: 'I lost faith in men. Men can love women but they're not capable of respecting women.'


12. 「我对男性失去信心。男生可以爱女生,但他们不会去尊重她们。」

The student washes her face. 'For our society for girls to leave the house and talk to boys, it's unacceptable,' she says


13. 「对我们的社会来说,离开家里跟男生聊天,是不被允许的。」

Rani takes an exam on March 6, 2017


14. 如果不穿着波卡 (伊斯兰国家女性传统服饰) 的话,她不可以在村里走路。

Rani  rides on a rickshaw. She said the harassment was so bad that she can't walk around her village without wearing a burka


15. 现在,她把精力花在学习上,希望有一天可以当医生。

Rani now spends her time studying and dreams of being a doctor someday


16. 「只要头巾有一点歪了,男生们就会说一些难听的话。」

'If even one corner of my scarf is out of place then boys make bad comments. It happens to my friends all the time,' the teenager says


17. 这样的限制,总是让她很困扰

Bangladesh has the highest rate of child marriage in Asia, and ranks one of the top in the world with 52 percent of the girls married before age 18, and 18 percent married before age 15


18. 每一次外出,都必须要用头巾包住脸。

Rani ties her scarf around her face before leaving her home


19. 在法令分布后,马上受到不少儿童权利团体的谴责。

The student goes through some school papers. Child rights groups have condemned the new law

来源 : Dailymail




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