
1. 在育儿方面上,爸爸妈妈到底有差多少呢?快来看看吧!   2. 廣告1   3.   4. 廣告2   5. 廣告3   6. 对爸爸来说,孩子是实验品吧?!   7. 对妈妈说:「我可以去   8.   9.   10.   11. 爸爸看到的、孩子看到的、妈妈看到的。   12.   13. 当去超级市场购物时…

March 18, 2017

1. 在育儿方面上,爸爸妈妈到底有差多少呢?快来看看吧!

moms versus dads mothers fathers funny differences 0 Proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children (25 Photos)



moms versus dads mothers fathers funny differences 1 Proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children (25 Photos)



moms versus dads mothers fathers funny differences 12 Proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children (25 Photos)



moms versus dads mothers fathers funny differences 4 Proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children (25 Photos)



moms versus dads mothers fathers funny differences 9 Proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children (25 Photos)


6. 对爸爸来说,孩子是实验品吧?!

moms versus dads mothers fathers funny differences 5 Proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children (25 Photos)


7. 对妈妈说:「我可以去

moms versus dads mothers fathers funny differences 8 Proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children (25 Photos)



moms versus dads mothers fathers funny differences 7 Proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children (25 Photos)



moms versus dads mothers fathers funny differences 3 Proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children (25 Photos)



moms versus dads mothers fathers funny differences 10 Proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children (25 Photos)


11. 爸爸看到的、孩子看到的、妈妈看到的。

moms versus dads mothers fathers funny differences 15 Proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children (25 Photos)



moms versus dads mothers fathers funny differences 22 Proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children (25 Photos)


13. 当去超级市场购物时…

proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children 25 photos 223 Proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children (25 Photos)



moms versus dads mothers fathers funny differences 13 Proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children (25 Photos)



moms versus dads mothers fathers funny differences 14 Proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children (25 Photos)


16. 妈妈:「你还好吗?」、爸爸:「我的优格呢?」

moms versus dads mothers fathers funny differences 17 Proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children (25 Photos)



moms versus dads mothers fathers funny differences 11 Proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children (25 Photos)


18. 我:妈可以出去吗?妈:「你要去哪,什么时候回来,你要怎么回来?你要怎么到那里?你要怎么回来?你要去做什么,有谁?」

moms versus dads mothers fathers funny differences 2 Proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children (25 Photos)



moms versus dads mothers fathers funny differences 18 Proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children (25 Photos)



moms versus dads mothers fathers funny differences 6 Proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children (25 Photos)



moms versus dads mothers fathers funny differences 16 Proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children (25 Photos)



moms versus dads mothers fathers funny differences 20 Proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children (25 Photos)



moms versus dads mothers fathers funny differences 19 Proof that moms and dads have far different views on how to raise their children (25 Photos)



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