史上最狂「首座U型摩天大楼」 连电梯都变成U型轨道…「拉直后」打败世界第一高杜拜塔!

1. 你可能看过千奇百怪的建筑,但这座号称「全世界首座U型摩天大楼」绝对可以让你大开眼界!   2. 它就是即将建于纽约57街的摩天大楼「The Big Bend (大弯)」。 廣告1   3. 「The Big Bend」由 Oiio 工作室设计,设计师透露,之所以打造成U型是为了更有效节省空间,同时

March 25, 2017

1. 你可能看过千奇百怪的建筑,但这座号称「全世界首座U型摩天大楼」绝对可以让你大开眼界!


2. 它就是即将建于纽约57街的摩天大楼「The Big Bend (大弯)」。



3. 「The Big Bend」由 Oiio 工作室设计,设计师透露,之所以打造成U型是为了更有效节省空间,同时也符合纽约市建筑最高高度规定。

The team's press release states: 'There is an undeniable obsession that resides in Manhattan. It is undeniable because it is made to be seen. There are many different ways that can make a building stand out, but in order to do so the building has to literally stand out.


4. 有趣的是,若把这栋建筑「拉直」将长达4000英尺 (约1219米),便能打败现今世界第一高建筑「杜拜塔」(2722英尺,830米)。



5. 这栋摩天大楼的电梯设备也会依照大楼的U型结构运作。

The elevator would travel in curves horizontally and in continuous loops. The track changing system allows for the horizontal connection of two shafts on the top and bottom to create a continuous loop


6. 目前开工日期仍未得知,不过想必届时完工后,一定会成为全世界瞩目的新地标!

Explaining the change in architectural direction, the team cited that since the emergence of One57, in 2014, everything changed for 57th Street. By the first quarter of 2016 there was a 625 per cent increase in its sales average, they claim. This has recently prompted a trend for skinny skyscrapers



The designs were conceived in a bid to work around the challenges of New York’s zoning laws, with the structure imagined as straddling Billionaire’s Row on 57th Street


8.「The Big Bend」位于纽约市第57街。

The team explained: 'The Big Bend can become a modest architectural solution to the height limitations of Manhattan. We can now provide our structures with the measurements that will make them stand out without worrying about the limits of the sky.'

来源:BoredPanda|LAD Bible|DailyMail


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