
1. 只能维持2分钟的爱爱太短了。3至7分钟是合格。7至13分钟是理想。但如果30分钟或以上就太超过了。   2. 德文的「避孕」是Schwangerschaftsverhütungsmittel。但当你唸完这个字时,已经来不及避孕了。 廣告1   3. 有很多食物可以增加性欲和耐力,例如黑覆盆莓。牡蛎含

May 3, 2017

1. 只能维持2分钟的爱爱太短了。3至7分钟是合格。7至13分钟是理想。但如果30分钟或以上就太超过了。

1 -  Sex lasting one to two minutes is too short. Three to seven minutes is adequate. Seven to thirteen minutes is ideal. If you're still going at it after 30 minutes you've gone to far.


2. 德文的「避孕」是Schwangerschaftsverhütungsmittel。但当你唸完这个字时,已经来不及避孕了。

2 -  The German word for “contraceptive” is Schwangerschaftsverhütungsmittel. By the time you’ve finished saying it, it’s already too late.


3. 有很多食物可以增加性欲和耐力,例如黑覆盆莓。牡蛎含有很丰富的锌,对分泌睪酮和制造健康的精子有好处。西瓜含有瓜氨酸氨基酸,对心血管系统有益,有助放松血管,增加性欲。

3 -  There are some foods that boost your sex drive, one of them being black raspberries. This phytochemical-rich food enhances both libido and endurance. Oysters are high in zinc, which is vital for testosterone production and healthy sperm. Watermelon contains citrulline amino acid, good for the cardiovascular system and to help relax the blood vessels that increase your sex drive.


4. 去一些大型音乐节的人会宁愿去爱爱、喝酒、吃毒品,而不是看他们花了大钱买门票来看的音乐表演。

4 -  Festival-goers would rather spend time doing drugs, drinking and having sex than watching the concert they paid big money to see.


5. 在健康情况许可的情况下,三分之一的8旬女性会继续跟丈夫或男友爱爱。

5 -  For those who are wondering if their grandparents and great-grandparents still have sexual intercourse, the overwhelming answer is yes. Approximately one-third of women in their 80’s continue to have sex with their husband or boyfriend, so long as they are both in good enough physical health to do so.


6. 有些人边想着食物边爱爱时,会有同样的高潮。

6 -  Some people experience the same feeling of arousal when thinking about food as when having sex.


7. 女性平均在生殖年龄期间会有3000多次性行为。

7 -  The average woman will have sex more than 3,000 times over the course of her reproductive years.


8. 10%的上班族在上班时爱爱过。

8 -  10% of working adults have had sex at work.


9. 4个教宗在爱爱时死了。

9 -  Four popes have died during sex.


10. 你对疼痛的忍受度会在高潮时增加。

10 -  Your pain threshold can increase significantly during arousal.


11. 36% 35岁或以下的人会在爱爱后看脸书或推特。

11 -  36% of people under the age of 35 check their Facebook or Twitter after sex.


12. 正在发情的雌性黑猩猩的力量等同于6个成年男人。

12 -  A female chimpanzee in a fit of passion has the strength of six men.


13. 女性高潮时,大脑有关触发恐惧和焦虑的部份会暂时被关掉。

13 -  The amygdala, the part of your brain that triggers fear and anxiety, shuts down in women when they have an orgasm.


14. 《欲经》记载了30种亲吻方式,你试过多少种了?

14 -  The Kama Sutra lists 30 types of kisses. How many have you tried?


15. 乳头会唤起情欲,是因为乳头硬化的感觉,会跟阴道、子宫颈和阴蒂的感觉连系到相同的大脑部分。

15 -  Nipples are erogenous zones because the sensation of hardened nipples travels to the same part of the brain as do sensations from the vagina, cervix and the clitoris.


16. 每年,11000个美国人因为奇怪的爱爱动作而受伤。

16 -  Every year, 11,000 Americans injure themselves when trying out bizarre sexual positions. Don’t become a statistic.


17. 姜会刺激起跟性相关的兴奋感,因为吃姜后会提高你的心率,促进血液流动。

17 -  Ginger stimulates the feelings of excitement associated with sex. Eating ginger elevates your heart rate, gets your blood flowing and gets you excited for the night ahead.


18. 当你觉得一个人在性方面吸引到你,就更难说出让他信服的谎言。

18 -  Telling a convincing lie to someone is much more difficult when you find them sexually attractive.


19. 女性平均高潮时间可以维持20秒,比男性久14秒,男性平均就只有6秒。

19 -  Even though the male orgasm seems to get all the attention, it turns out women get the last laugh when it comes to climaxing. The average female orgasm lasts 20 seconds – 14 seconds longer than a male’s six-second one.


20.  分手后,男性在情感上比女性更痛苦。

20 -  Men feel more emotional pain after a breakup than women do.


21. 爱爱比地西泮有效10倍。

21 -  Sex is 10 times more effective than Valium.


22. 15%女性有运动时感受到高潮。

22 -  15 percent of women have experienced an orgasm during exercise.


23. 全世界约有1亿夫妇每天都有爱爱,这代表现在约有65000对夫妻正在爱爱。

23 -  About 100 million couples around the world have sex every day. That means around 65,000 couples are having sex right now.





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