蜜雪儿爆料「欧巴马秘密」上任到卸任都没有人发现 她感叹:因为大家只注意我

1. 6月6日,53岁前美国第一夫人蜜雪儿 (Michelle Obama),出席加州圣荷西苹果全球开发者大会时,透露了关于前总统欧巴马一个完全没有人发现到的秘密。   2. 原来欧巴马在8年执政期间,他出席所有重要场合时都是穿着同一套礼服跟同一双皮鞋! 廣告1   3. 蜜雪儿指出,媒

June 11, 2017

1. 6月6日,53岁前美国第一夫人蜜雪儿 (Michelle Obama),出席加州圣荷西苹果全球开发者大会时,透露了关于前总统欧巴马一个完全没有人发现到的秘密。

Former first lady Michelle Obama revealed during a candid conversation at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference (above) Tuesday that her husband wore the same tuxedo for all eight years of his presidency


2. 原来欧巴马在8年执政期间,他出席所有重要场合时都是穿着同一套礼服跟同一双皮鞋!

Obama noted how she was photographed and scrutinized year in and year out for the dresses and accessories she sported for state dinners. Above the couple is pictured at the state dinner in November 2009


3. 蜜雪儿指出,媒体通常只会在意她的礼服、首饰是哪个知名设计师的作品,但欧巴马8年都穿着一样礼服这件事却没有人留意到。

Above the couple is pictured at the state dinner in May 2010


4. 蜜雪儿也表示欧巴马很为此自豪,笑说他常常一脸「我已经准备好了,你还要花多久?」的样子,蜜雪儿也只好装作生气地告诉他「出去!」

But she said the former president easily got away with wearing the same outfit every year to state dinners. Above the couple is pictured at the state dinner in January 2011


5. 仔细查看欧巴马以前出席重要活动的照片,会看到他的打扮真的是一模一样的!

Above the couple is pictured at the state dinner in June 2011


6. 蜜雪儿则每次都会用心地搭配,每次都以不同的造型示人。

Obama said: 'This is the unfair thing — you talk about Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers — no matter what we do, he puts on that same tux.' Above the couple is pictured at the state dinner in October 2011


7. 这样节俭又谦虚的好男人,到底要到哪里找?!

Above the couple is pictured at the state dinner in March 2012


8. 欧巴马跟蜜雪儿真的是政治界的最佳夫妇呢!

She added: 'Now, people take pictures of the shoes I wear, the bracelets, the necklace — they didn't comment that for eight years he wore the same tux, same shoes.' Above the couple is pictured at the state dinner in February 2014



Above the couple is pictured at the state dinner in September 2015


10. 蜜雪儿帮忙整理领带时,欧巴马表情超爽的!真的太可爱了!

Obama also shared the story behind the viral photo (above) of her adjusting his bow tie just before the September 2015 state dinner. She said she was 'bored' while waiting for cars to roll in and 'thought, let me make sure my husband looks good'



The former first lady said that her husband was proud of wearing the same tuxedo every year during his presidency. Above the couple is pictured at the state dinner in March 2016



Above the couple is pictured at the state dinner in October 2016




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