
在歐洲難民潮當中,之前一名敘利亞男孩的屍體被沖到海岸上,畫面一出,完全揭露了難民潮的悲哀,震驚了全世界。 Daily Mail   攝影真的是充滿力量的一個傳播媒介,除了上述這張照片以外,以下就讓我們也來回顧一下,曾經改變我們全人類的歷史照片吧!(註:有些畫面可能

September 8, 2015


Daily Mail


1. 911事件的「沙女士」。在911事件當天,瑪西‧博德斯 (Marcy Borders) 從世貿中心逃跑時被攝影師拍到,她從頭到腳被沙塵覆蓋、一臉驚惶地看著鏡頭。

Caked from head to toe in ash  as she stares aghast at the camera, Marcy Borders provided one of the most haunting images of the 9/11 disaster. She was fleeing the World Trade Center in terror when a photographer caught the astonishing shot of her. Ms Borders became known as the ‘Dust Lady’ - and her subsequent tragic fate, sinking into a spiral of depression that led to alcoholism and drug addiction, became a cautionary tale about the impact that the traumatic events of September 11, 2001, had on those who survived. She died last month aged 42 after a year-long battle with stomach cancer, which she and her family blamed on the dust she inhaled during the attack


2. 就地處決越南南方民族解放陣線 (越共) 的幹部。在春節攻勢期間,前越南共和國的國家警察首長阮玉鸞用一把手槍殺死越共的幹部,這張照片被艾迪‧亞當斯 (Eddie Adams) 拍下,並讓他獲得普立茲獎。

South Vietnamese police chief Nguyen Ngoc Loan executes a handcuffed Viet Cong officer with a single pistol shot to the head in Saigon in 1968 during the Tet Offensive. The photo, by Eddie Adams, became one of the Vietnam War's most indelible images and would earn him a Pulitzer Prize. The image was broadcast around the world - and such was its political impact, it soured Americans' attitude towards the war by highlighting its savage reality


3. 約翰‧甘迺迪總統遇刺的照片。這張照片就在甘迺迪被暗殺的當天拍下,在照片中他在後座慢慢滑下,而總統轎車正開向榆樹街。他的夫人賈桂琳‧甘迺迪傾向總統的方向,而秘密探員克林頓‧希爾立刻站到車子的保險桿上。

November 22, 1963 - the day President John F Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. In this image, he is slumped down in the back seat of the presidential limousine as it speeds along Elm Street after the fatal shooting that shook the world. His wife Jacqueline leans over him as Secret Service agent Clinton Hill rides on the back of the car. Young, charismatic and wealthy, JFK's grip on America's psyche endures to this day, as do the many conspiracy theories surrounding his death


4. 硫磺島戰役的舉旗。在1945年2月23號,5位海軍士兵被拍到在摺鉢山豎起美國國旗的照片,燃起了美國人對盟軍將打贏日本的希望,上百萬人購買了戰時公債,幫助二戰勝利。

Five US Marines and a Navy sailor were captured raising an American flag atop Mount Suribachi on the Japanese island of Iwo Jima in this photo taken on February 23, 1945. It triggered a wave of national hope that Japanese forces would soon be defeated and led to millions of Americans buying war bonds, helping to win the Second World War


5. 原子彈在廣島投下。1945年8月6日,小男孩原子彈被投到廣島,造成140,000人死亡。3天後胖子原子彈被投到長崎,造成70,000人死亡,促成了日本的投降。

On August 6, 1945, the US bomb 'Little Boy' - the first atomic weapon used at war - was dropped on Hiroshima, killing 140,000 people. A second bomb 'Fat Man,' dropped over Nagasaki three days later, killed another 70,000, prompting Japan's surrender in the Second World War. The US dropped the bombs to avoid what would have been a bloody ground assault on the Japanese mainland, following the fierce battle for Japan's southernmost Okinawan islands, which took 12,520 American lives and an estimated 200,000 Japanese, about half of whom were civilians


6. 登月。1969年7月20日,伯茲·艾德林登上月球。他的頭盔上反映出阿姆斯壯和登月艙的樣子。在19分鐘前,阿姆斯壯登陸月球,並說出「這是我的一小步,卻是人類的一大步。」

July 20, 1969: Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin stands on the moon, with Neil Armstrong and the lunar module reflected in his helmet visor during the historic first walk on the lunar surface. Nineteen minutes earlier, Armstrong had been the first person ever to step foot on the moon, declaring 'That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind'. The achievement marked the pinnacle of the space race with fellow superpower, Russia - and showcased the superiority of American technology. The Apollo project is seen as an important early step in the exploration of the solar system


7. 曼德拉出獄。1990年2月11日,曼德拉在約2000名支持者的簇擁下離開維克特·韋斯特監獄,結束了27年的獄中生涯。當時他71歲,他的出獄在南非歷史上劃下新的一頁,並促成1994年南非首次的普選,成為南非第一任黑人總統,他所引領的政黨也在議院獲得過半席次。

On February 11, 1990, to the cheers of some 2,000 well-wishers, Nelson Mandela (pictured with his wife Winnie) walked out of Victor Verster prison in Paarl, near Cape Town, South Africa, after having spent 27 years in jail. He was 71 at the time. Most of his incarceration had been on Robben Island but he was moved to Victor Verster in 1988, where he lived in a private house inside the prison compound. His release marked the beginning of a new era which led to South Africa's first all-race elections in 1994, ending years of racial oppression and violence. That year, he became South Africa's first black president after centuries of white rule, with his African National Congress (ANC) party winning 252 of the 400 seats


8. 薩達姆‧海珊從藏身處被拖出。在2003年12月13日,美軍掃蕩了海珊的藏身處,那是個大約2.4公尺 (8英尺) 深的洞。披頭散髮的海珊在被捕時沒有反抗。之後,聯盟駐伊拉克臨時管理當局的首長保羅‧布雷默 (Paul Bremer) 說:「各位,我們抓到他了!」

Time ran out for deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein on December 13, 2003, as US forces stormed his hiding place - a hole about 8ft deep at a remote farmhouse near Tikrit in an operation entitled Operation Red Dawn. Looking dishevelled, Saddam offered no resistance as he was captured and taken to a secure area. News of his arrest was greeted with relief and delight around the world. Afterwards Paul Bremer, head of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq, told a news conference: 'Ladies and gentlemen - we got him!' But rather than ushering in a new era of peace and democracy in the region, as the Bush administration had hoped, civil war among Sunni and Shia would ensue, ultimately leading to the rise of ISIS


9. 黛安娜王妃跟愛滋病患握手。1992年7月,黛安娜王妃拜訪倫敦的愛滋病機構,並和一位叫做威廉‧德雷克 (William Drake) 的病患握手。

In July 1992, Princess Diana visited the London Lighthouse AIDS centre, where she met and shook hands with a patient there, William Drake. In the early 1990s, hysteria and prejudice surrounding HIV and AIDS was at its peak. Diana became patron of the National AIDS trust in 1991 - until her death in 1997 - and her campaigning did much to tackle the stigma associated with the virus. By simply holding the hand of someone with HIV/AIDS, the princess was credited with changing the attitude of millions of people towards the condition


10. 勝利之吻。在1945年的8月14日,日本投降,人們在紐約的時代廣場大肆慶祝。攝影師阿爾弗瑞德 (Alfred Eisenstaedt) 拍下一名海軍和女性熱情擁吻,70年來有無數男女宣稱他們就是照片中的主角。

On August 14, 1945, as Japan surrendered at the end of the Second World War, celebrations broke out in New York City’s Times Square. And famously, during the VJ (Victory over Japan) Day celebrations, a sailor and a woman embraced in a passionate kiss. Mystery surrounds the subjects in the photo, taken by photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt. Over the past 70 years, dozens of men and women have claimed to be the pair caught in the clinch


11. 飢餓的蘇丹。這張照片於1993年在紐約時報上公布時,被視為絕望非洲的縮影,上百人寫信詢問女孩的下場,拍下照片的凱文‧卡特 (Kevin Carter) 也被譴責沒有伸出援手,他在拍下這張照片的3個月後自殺身亡。

Seen as a ‘metaphor for Africa’s despair’, when this picture was published in the New York Times in 1993 it led to hundreds of people writing in to ask what became of the child. The image of a vulture preying upon an emaciated toddler was taken in southern Sudan by photographer Kevin Carter, who faced criticism for not helping the girl. Tragically, he killed himself three months after the picture was published


12. 紅色高棉骨塚。在1975-1979年,由波布領導的紅色高棉造成該國約2百萬人死亡,死者大部分是精英份子,他們受到挨餓、折磨、強暴和謀殺。他們被監禁在由中學改建成的監獄,大約15,000金邊人被帶去「處刑場」前都待過那裡,最後他們被斧頭砍死並集合埋葬。

The Khmer Rouge, led by Pol Pot in Cambodia between 1975 and 1979, was behind about 2million deaths across the country. Victims – particularly the educated and intellectual elite – were starved, tortured, raped and murdered. Pol Pot's radical policies essentially turned all of Cambodia into a forced labour camp. 'Enemies’ were forced to endure horrific torture methods at Tuol Sleng Genocide prison, a former high school. Some 15,000 Cambodians passed through here before being taken to sites known as The Killing Fields outside the capital Phnom Penh. They were then executed mainly by pickaxes and buried in mass graves. Vietnam sponsored a resistance movement and invaded, ousting the Khmer Rouge in 1979. Continued political feuds and the absence of an educated class has led some to believe it will take generations for Cambodia to recover from the catastrophic actions of Pol Pot


13. 越戰中的小女孩害怕躲避燃燒彈攻擊。攝影師黄公崴是越裔的戰地攝影師,在1973年一架南越的飛機意外誤將燃燒彈扔在自己人的村莊上方後,他捕捉到這名將燒起來的衣服扔掉的小女孩

This photo, taken by Vietnamese-born war photographer Nick Ut in 1973, captured the face of a terrified nine-year-old girl seen running for her life after ripping off her burning clothes when a South Vietnamese plane accidentally dropped napalm on its own troops and civilians. The image horrified people around the world and some believe it hastened the end of the Vietnam War


14. 天安門遊行。1989年6月,一位北京市民站在坦克車的前方,在「六四天安門」事件當天,士兵、坦克和裝甲運兵車強行推入北京市中心,並攻擊手無寸鐵的抗議民眾。那些民眾主要是學生,他們當時已佔領廣場長達數週,聲明如果訴求沒被聽見就不離開。

A Peking citizen stands in front of tanks during the crushing of the Tiananmen Square uprising in June 1989. China allows no public discussion of the massacre, when soldiers backed by tanks and armoured personnel carriers fought their way into the heart of Beijing (then known as Peking), killing hundreds of unarmed pro-democracy protesters and onlookers. In one of the greatest challenges to the communist state, the protesters - mainly students - had occupied the square for seven weeks, and had refused to leave until their voices were heard. Last year marked the 25th anniversary of the bloody suppression - but there was heavy security to stop any attempts to publicly commemorate one of the darkest chapters in the country's history. Despite China's discouragement, the crackdown is recalled with rallies and commemorations in Chinese communities worldwide, especially in Hong Kong


15. 巴格達中央監獄醜聞。在這張照片被公佈之後,巴格達中央監獄的美軍虐囚事件才徹底爆發。在2003年入侵伊拉克後,美軍被指控對囚犯進行生心理虐待、強暴、刑求及謀殺,這張照片拍到囚犯被美軍用狗繩拉著。

It is the image that shamed America. Acts of torture and prisoner abuse carried out by the US Army at the Iraqi prison Abu Ghraib came to light after this picture was published. Accusations of physical and mental abuse, rape, torture and murder in the aftermath of the 2003 Iraq invasion received widespread condemnation both within the United States and abroad. One of the images to surface showed a detainee being led on a dog leash. Eleven US soldiers were convicted in military trials of crimes related to the humiliation and abuse of the prisoners


16. 伯根-貝爾森集中營的解放。1945年4月,納粹集中營的醫生弗里茨·克萊因 (Fritz Klein) 在對囚犯進行藥物實驗後站在大量的屍體上方。在實驗過後,大約38,500人奄奄一息,最後大約有28,000人死亡

April 1945: Fritz Klein, a Nazi camp doctor who conducted medical experiments on prisoners during the Holocaust, stands among corpses in a mass grave after the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, Germany. Of the 38,500 inmates found barely alive after liberation, about 28,000 subsequently died. Watched by British soldiers, Klein is pictured here being forced to bury the dead. That December, he was sentenced to death and hanged for his role in the atrocities. Bergen-Belsen was the first Nazi camp to be liberated - and gave the world some of the first visual evidence of the horrors of the Holocaust



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