
1. 你也許曾對飛機餐感到失望,但北歐航空 (Scandinavian Airlines) 挪威分部最近為紀念成立70周年,特別展示了1950年到1980年的「飛機餐」菜色,照片中的餐色之豪華會讓你大開眼界!    2. 精緻的肉片當場切給你吃~ 廣告1   3.    4. 1980年的經濟艙跟

May 9, 2016

1. 你也許曾對飛機餐感到失望,但北歐航空 (Scandinavian Airlines) 挪威分部最近為紀念成立70周年,特別展示了1950年到1980年的「飛機餐」菜色,照片中的餐色之豪華會讓你大開眼界! 

This mock up of cabin service in the 1970s show eager customers waiting to be served from the central reservation where whole lobsters, chicken and racks of lamb and being served


2. 精緻的肉片當場切給你吃~

Scandinavian Airlines released a selection of vintage photographs to celebrate their 70th anniversary. Included are incredible moments like a leg of ham being caved on board a flight (above)



In this photo taken in the 60s, an air stewardess is offering pepper to her guest while a sommelier, wearing a silver tasting cup, is ladling out the salad 


4. 1980年的經濟艙跟今日的機上供餐模式則較為相像。

Economy class in the 1980s, as the photograph above reveals, is much more similar to the flying experience we might find today


5. 服務生親自為你獻上新鮮的龍蝦,推車上還有冰著的開胃酒,簡直太享受了啊!

In this undated photograph, a passenger is being served fresh Norwegian lobsters with their shell still on. Two aperitifs are set on ice next to the rest of the shell fish on the trolley


6. 這對夫妻正在猶豫到底要吃烤肉好還是龍蝦好,看女生的表情就知道有多猶豫~

The photographs were from the 1950s to 1980s. Above, a couple choose between slices of meat from the carving board or a lobster from the platter in the 1950s 


7. 餐車根本是超豪華自助吧啊?

Perhaps it was a time before serious turbulence in the air but this picture taken in the 70s shows a chef plating up from a trolley where all of the food is on display


8. 尊榮的旅客胃口也要很精緻,起司「一點點」就可以囉!(看看盤子多高級)

It must really be the golden age of flying as a passenger asks for just a little bit of cheese from the impressive looking platter 


9. 1969年的頭等艙旅客正在等大廚為他擺海鮮擺盤~

In first class in 1969, an air hostess is holding out a plate for inspection by the traveller while the chef portions out the seafood


10. 1980年時,魚子醬、明蝦、鮭魚都仍然在菜單裡~

This photo from the 1980s shows that caviar is still on the menu in first class and the fresh seafood also included prawns and salmon


11. 第一眼雖會被前面驚人的火腿給嚇到,但仔細一看旅客桌上的話,還真是不少酒!其實當時旅客在酒類方面有非常多樣的選擇,包括啤酒、氣泡酒等等各式酒類~ 

It was clearly a time before terror in the skies as large knives were brandished in the carving of the ham, cutting of the salami (above, in 1969) and filleting of a whole salmon


12. 1969年時,鮭魚是整隻在你面前切的~

Another view of the food cart in 1969 shows a member of the crew filleting portions of salmon while another offers up a plate of salami with crusty bread


13. 吃完大魚大肉還有超大一盤水果盤讓你玩「嘿嘿妳咬不到」的遊戲。

Freedom was in the air as these guests on board a flight in the 1960s show as one playfully offers the other grapes from the fruit bowl


14. 當時頭等艙的茶是用較低的推車來服務,不只有超精緻的陶瓷杯,還可以來塊蛋糕或新鮮水果搭配!

Tea in the first class cabin in the 1960s was served on a low trolley and in porcelain cups. You could also get a slice of the cake or some fresh fruit



In this undated photo, guests await service service from a platter but it seems that lobster and caviar are no longer options



On a flight to Asia in the 1960s, an air hostess offers a very happy looking traveller some snacks while her colleagues are pouring out the drinks behind her


17. 這是1981年的北歐航空商務艙餐點,可龍蝦在當時被非常廣泛地運用。

Lobster was frequently featured on the menu of Scandinavian Airlines. These photos, taken in 1981, shows what you might have eaten when you flew business class


18. 1960年的經濟艙餐點,雖比不上商務艙的餐點,但若跟今日的飛機餐來做比較,其實相當豪華啊!

Meanwhile, on board another flight in the 1960s, a man sitting in economy is handed a plate of food that's looking a lot less extravagant 


19. 魚子醬跟龍蝦當時最常跟香檳一起出場!

In this advert showing life on board a Scandinavian Airlines flight in the 1970s, the Champagne appeared to be free flowing while on offer was lobster and caviar


20. 這也是經濟餐的餐點喔!

In the 1970s, those in economy would have received a plate of food looking something like this, featuring prawns,smoked salmon and egg


21. 整塊牛排也會出現在餐盤裡!

In the 1970s, you might have received a whole steak on your plate. But unfortunately you might have struggled with the knife and fork


22. 這一系列的照片中其實有許多張照片是在機艙被分艙等前排的,也就是說當時不管你坐哪,大家吃的全都是一樣的豪華餐點!

Many of the images were taken before the cabin was divided up into economy, business and first class, meaning that everyone was served a lavish meal 
Above, a typical meal in first class


23. 1970年時北歐航空還有酒侍,你可以看到他的身上還掛著銀製的品嚐杯!

In the 1970s, it seems, Scandinavian Airlines still hired a sommelier to work the flights. Above, one is seen standing in the back while his colleague presents a wine


24. 餐盤上紅酒跟香檳各自有備好的杯子~

There's plenty of room during a meal time in the 1950s as show in this scene where passengers have the option of wine and Champagne at the same time


25. 連三明治菜單這這麼高級!

Scandinavian Airlines clearly took their sandwiches seriously. Above is a sample of the Danish open sandwich menu offered in the 1960s
More sandwich options


26. 精緻的法文菜單在哥本哈根、曼谷跟新加坡都被使用。

An impressive French menu is served on board a flight between Copenhagen, Bangkok and Singapore in the 1950s as pictured above



A menu for lunch in 1954



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分類:藝術, 世界, 美食
加入粉絲團! 看到1969年代北歐航空的「過份奢華飛機餐」,我才發現我們其實全都是賤民。#4已經把所有5星級吃到飽逼死了!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友