
1. 义大利囚犯在狱中期间每看完一本书就能从刑期减掉3天时间! Daily Mail   2. 1938年就开始有「防水」化妆商品出现,而其主要成分则为「松节油」! Courtney Rhodes 廣告1   3. 在专家Beverley Whipple发现了人类的「G点」之后,这个使女人产生高潮的区块就差点因发现

July 29, 2015

1. 义大利囚犯在狱中期间每看完一本书就能从刑期减掉3天时间!

Italian prisoners get three days taken off their time for every book they read in jail.
Daily Mail


2. 1938年就开始有「防水」化妆商品出现,而其主要成分则为「松节油」!

Waterproof was introduced in 1938, and its main ingredient was turpentine.
Courtney Rhodes


3. 在专家Beverley Whipple发现了人类的「G点」之后,这个使女人产生高潮的区块就差点因发现人名字而被称为「Whipple Tickle (Whipple搔痒痒)」!

After being discovered by Beverley Whipple, the “G-spot” was nearly called the Whipple Tickle.


4. 马克·吐温发明了胸罩夹!

Mark Twain invented the bra clip.
Jackie Meredith


5. 休士顿机场因为常收到顾客抱怨等行李的时间太久了,于是他们就突发奇想,把行李输送带移到更远的地方,让他们走得更远,等行李时间缩短后,就没人抱怨了!

Houston airport got so many complaints about baggage claim wait time, they simply moved the carousels farther away. It worked.
Kick Ass Facts


6. 卡苏马苏 (Casu Marzu) 又称活蛆乳酪,因为它是一种含有活蛆的羊奶乳酪!

Casu Marzu is a particular kind sheep's milk cheese containing maggots.
Paolo Cogoni Amsterdam_Casteddu


7. 在好几世纪以前,年轻女性会吃黏土或是利用水蛭吸取体内的血液来让自己皮肤苍白到跟瓷器一样!

In previous centuries,  young women would eat clay or bleed out using leeches to maintain a porcelain complexion.


8. 如果把水碗放在离食物远一点的地方,你家的喵星人比较愿意喝水!

Your cat will drink more water if you move the water away from the food.
Cat Behavior


9. 过去10年来,50-90岁的人得性病的比率多了一倍!也就是说,老人家爱爱的频率变高啦!

STD rates have doubled among 50 to 90-year-olds over past 10 years. In other words, older folks have been getting busy.


10. 史丹佛大学的一则研究显示,「一心多用」并没有真正的成效!

A study at Stanford University demonstrated that multi-tasking doesn’t actually work.
Luciana Ognibene


11. 每550万个男性中有一位患有「重复阴茎症」,也就是有两个命根子啦!

1 in 5.5 million males has two penises, a condition called diphallus.


12. 亚历山大·格拉汉姆·贝尔 (Alexander Graham Bell) 是优生学的支持者,也对听障人士极度厌恶排斥!

Alexander Graham Bell was a supporter of eugenics, and had a great aversion to deaf people.
National Museum of American History Smithsonian Institution


13. 有些章鱼会在交配与当爸妈不久后就死亡!

Some octopuses die shortly after mating and parenthood.
Cedric Guigand, Univ. of Miami, RSMAS/Marine Photobank


14. 研究显示,孤单寂寞的情绪跟抽菸一样是可以影响寿命长短的!

Research shows that loneliness can affect lifespan just as much as smoking.
娜 娜☂Nana


15. 一年的Nutella榛果抹酱产量可以包覆世界1.4次!

The amount of Nutella produced in a year could wrap around the world 1.4 times.
Denné Alise Photography


16. 普鲁托 (Pluto) 是由一名11岁大的小孩命名的!

Pluto was named by an 11-year-old.
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center


17. 牵着爱人的手真的可以减少生理疼痛!

Holding the hand of a loved one can actually reduce body pain.


18. 一只长颈鹿的舌头可以长达21吋长 (约53公分) 。有时候,他们会用长长的舌头清理自己的鼻子。

A giraffe's tongue is up 21 inches long. Sometime, they use them to clean their own noses.


19. 在宾州Morrisville小镇,一条就法规明定女性要使用化妆品的话,必须有执照才行!

In Morrisville, Pennsylvania, an old law states that women should have a permit to wear cosmetics.


20. 艺人史努比狗狗 (Snoop Dogg) 现在已成为TomTom GPS卫星导航器的声音选项!

"Snoop Dogg" is now a voice option for the TomTom GPS.
Ben Houdijk


21. 有机酒没有亚硫酸盐成分,所以就比较不会让你喝了产生头痛症状啦!

Organic wines have no sulfites, which means they are less likely to give you a headache. Drink up!
Evelyn S. Oliver


22. 恋爱带给你的陶醉感与吸食古柯碱是差不多的!

Falling in love brings about the same feelings of euphoria as using cocaine.
Nigel Boeur


23. 宇宙中的原子量都没有下一场棋的走法可能性还要多!

There are more possible iterations of a game of chess than there are atoms in the universe.
Michael Ga


24. 你有时望向天空看到的小点点,其实是你的白血球!

The tiny dots you sometimes see when you look at the sky are actually your white blood cells.
Tom McLaughlan



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