
1. 性爱之后精子会留在女生体内5-8天,导致怀孕。   「千万不要爱爱喔,否则你会怀孕然后死翘翘!」   2. 性爱玩具跟震动器在美国阿拉巴马州 (Alabama) 跟密西西比州 (Mississippi) 都是被禁止的,原因是因为「购买让自己高潮的器具并不属于人类的基本人权」。 廣告1  

January 3, 2016

1. 性爱之后精子会留在女生体内5-8天,导致怀孕。

Woman can get pregnant from sperm left in their bodies, five to eight days after having sex.


2. 性爱玩具跟震动器在美国阿拉巴马州 (Alabama) 跟密西西比州 (Mississippi) 都是被禁止的,原因是因为「购买让自己高潮的器具并不属于人类的基本人权」。

Sex toys and vibrators are banned in shops in US states Alabama and Mississippi. According to the attorney general, “there is no fundamental right for a person to buy a device to produce orgasm." However, it seems like something the courts should probably stay out of, doesn't it?


3. 震动器在19世纪被发明出来,为的是要减少「歇斯底里的幻想」,也就是今日的「很想要」。

The vibrator was originally invented in the 19th century to reduce "hysteria," the condition that we now know as "being a little horny."


4. 25%的GG在勃起时都会有点弯弯的。

25% of all penises are slightly bent when erect.


5. 平均美国男性勃起的GG长约5-7英吋 (约12-17公分),周长大约4-6英吋 (约10-15公分)。

The average American man's erect penis is five to seven inches long with a circumference of four to six inches.


6. 研究显示当另一半不在的时候,男生的精子数也会减少。

Studies have shown that when their partners are away, a male's sperm count can decrease.


7. 30分钟的性爱可以燃烧200卡路里。

You burn about 200 calories during 30 minutes of active sex.


8. 精子里面含有蛋白质的成分、而且也有抗皱的效果,理论上来说,其实你可以拿精子来当作乳液使用。(真人示范)

Sperm contains proteins that have the same anti-wrinkle effect as your moisturizer. That means that theoretically, you could use sperm as moisturizer.


9. 世界上的物种中只有人类跟海豚是为了欢愉而性爱。

Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.


10. 当男生吃芹菜的时候,芹菜会释放费洛蒙的香气小分子到嘴巴里,这些小分子再从喉咙跑回鼻子、从鼻子散发出来,可以让他们看起来对女人更有性吸引力~



11. 一位名为费欧多 (Feodor Vassilyev) 的妻子生了16对双胞胎、7组3胞胎、4组4胞胎,总共69个小孩。

The wife of Feodor Vassilyev (her name has never been recorded)  gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and four sets of quads -- that's 69 children, total.


12. 75%的男生能在做爱时达到高潮,而女生则是29%。

75% of men always reach orgasm whilst making love, but only 29% of women are able to reach climax.


13. 家乐氏玉米片背后的理念是防止自慰,他们相信健康的饮食能够减少性爱欲望的产生。(详细介绍)

 Dr Kellogg (yes, of Kellogg's cornflakes) was an avid anti-masturbation campaigner, and believed if you had a healthy diet it would reduce sexual thoughts popping into your head. Cornflakes will never be the same.


14. 就生理学来说,女生的器官是为了怀孕而设计的,阴道会帮助精子推向子宫。

Physiologically, female orgasm is designed to induce pregnancy: The pulsating of the vagina pushes sperm towards the uterus.


15. 研究学者发现,母企鹅会以爱爱来跟公企鹅交换石头、以筑巢给自己的宝宝。

Researchers have repeatedly observed female penguins exchanging sexual favors with male penguins in exchange for pebbles they will use to build nests for their babies.


16. 刮阴毛会让你更容易得到性病,阴毛有点像是守门员一样把性病挡在门外。

 Shaving your pubes makes you more likely to spread a sexually transmitted infection, as pubic hair can act as somewhat of a "goalie" for STDs.


17. 其实只要一个男生花两周的时间,就能产生足够的精子让地球上所有已经成年的女生怀孕。

 A single human male produces enough sperm in two weeks to impregnate every fertile woman on the planet.


18. 历史里一共曾有4个教皇在做爱时死掉。

Four popes have died while having sex -- sex they weren't supposed to be having in the first place.


19. 高跟鞋会影响女生的骨盆角度,理论上来说对高潮有负面影响。

High heels can shift the angle of a woman's pelvis, which theoretically could affect her orgasm negatively.



Sex can cause a rash on your skin -- it's called the sex flush, and it can appear on your cheeks, chest, and legs.


21. 避孕药可能会让女生性致缺缺,因为里面的贺尔蒙会干扰到女性的性欲。

 Birth control pills dampen the libido, as extra hormones interfere with women's sex drives.


22. 如果你身上的水份够多,比较容易高潮。

If you're well-hydrated, you're likely to have a better orgasm.


23. 在卖淫合法的国家里,某些电影院里有专门提供性交易的车子。

In countries where prostitution is legal, there are actually drive in movie theaters where you can get sex.


24. 根据英国研究对2000人所做的统计当中,有55%的人坦承去演唱会是为了找性爱对象。

One UK study reported that of the 2,000 people surveyed, 55% of the participants admitted they go to concerts to find sex.


25. 黑寡妇蜘蛛在做爱中或是做爱后会吃掉另外一半,事实上她一天可以吃掉20个伴侣。

The black widow spider eats her mate during or after sex. In fact, she can eat over 20 lovers in a single day.



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