
1. 這就是蘋果手機代工廠背後的工人住宿,據悉在iPhone 6生產的巔峰期時有6000人擠在這小小的宿舍裡,但有約1000名員工在新年後被遣散,而剩下的人將會搬到新的宿舍,因為他們要住得離主工廠更近一些。   每個房間有12張床,每個員工每個月需支付約16英鎊 (約750塊台幣)

May 12, 2016

1. 這就是蘋果手機代工廠背後的工人住宿,據悉在iPhone 6生產的巔峰期時有6000人擠在這小小的宿舍裡,但有約1000名員工在新年後被遣散,而剩下的人將會搬到新的宿舍,因為他們要住得離主工廠更近一些。

Cramped: Inside one of the eerily deserted dormitory blocks, Mail Online found rooms with up to 12 bunk beds for which each worker would be charged the equivalent of £16 a month, deducted from their pay packets.
每個房間有12張床,每個員工每個月需支付約16英鎊 (約750塊台幣),直接從薪水裡扣掉。


2. 這座在上海康橋路的建築裡,住的是台灣和碩聯合科技 (Pegatron Corporation) 的員工,每天輪12個小時的班,打造出估計世界一半的iPhone 6s。 

Bare: Living conditions at the abandoned Kangquiao Road dormitory block MailOnline visited were experienced first-hand by an undercover investigator for the pressure group China Labor Watch, who got a job making motherboards on an Apple computer production line


3. 50間宿舍的人要共享一個大的淋浴間,約莫20個人會同時在這間公共淋浴間淋浴,用腳踩踏板來控制水量。

Cattle-class: The dormitories on the outskirts of Shanghai can house 6,000 but do not have private bathrooms, so up to 20 workers showered at a time


4. 許多工人都來自中國較為貧窮的省份,因此住在宿舍裡,員工每個禮拜工作6天,一個月的薪水為250英鎊 (約1.2萬台幣)。

Basic: Nearly all workers are migrants from China's poorest provinces who live year-round in grim factory dorms such as the one above


5. 廢棄宿舍一隅。

Abandoned: These eerie images show the now-deserted dorms where workers creating Apple iPhones lived in cramped rooms with basic sanitation


6. 吃飯大廳一排又一排的桌子,椅子跟椅子緊鄰,環境看起來形同監獄。

Grim: The austere dining area shows the conditions in which workers lived, with row upon row of battered tables where workers ate. Attempts were made to add some cheer with tatty Christmas decorations 



'Inhumane': Six thousand workers lived in the dormitories at the peak of iPhone 6 production but many of the roughly 1,000 left were told not to come back after the Lunar New Year holiday in February, workers said, while others were transferred to other dorms


8. 防火通道裡散亂的聖誕樹可以看得出來員工曾試著想要將宿舍變得更溫暖。 

Rushed exit: Workers appear to have left the dorms in a hurry as possessions were abandoned throughout the building, and this deserted stairwell with its pathetic tree shows how workers tried to make their living quarters more homely 


9. 廁所環境無人清潔,可以看到洗手台跟排水口都已經有生苔現象。

Filthy: These exclusive images show the sanitary facilities at a dormitory where workers who create Apple iPhones live, washing in mildewed sinks and squatting over open sewers to go to the toilet 
Lack of privacy: There is a similar, stark lack of privacy in shared toilet blocks on each floor where squatting cubicles are positioned above open sewerage drains running the length of the toilet block



Mould: Throughout the building MailOnline entered, walls were moulding and peeling heavily in places with hand-written signs posted at regular intervals spelling out rules for workers


11. 每一層樓都有上百的員工,但都只被分配到一間大淋浴間跟公共廁所,不管是早上還是工作回宿舍,工人們都還得排隊等洗澡、上廁所。

Basic: There are no washing or toilet facilities in any of the dorms. Instead, each floor in the four-storey block has around 50 dormitory rooms and one communal shower where workers would wash alongside up to 20 other people, using foot pedals to operate the water


12. 一位28歲的視察者去年親自花了10天住在宿舍裡,他表示:「廁所非常骯髒,淋浴間更是不可能有任何隱私可言,在辛苦工作一天之後,還不能擁有隱私、不能擁有一點身為人的自尊。」

'Unhygienic': In the corner of some toilet blocks and corridors were pools of filthy green water and there was an average of one toilet for every 40 workers when the blocks were full



Production line: The Pegatron factory in Shanghai where workers put in 12-hour shifts then travel to dormitories where they sleep in bunk beds in cramped rooms


14. 工廠外的街景跟科技生產線相較之下感覺更格格不入。

Home: The dormitory block in Kangquiao Road is in stark contrast to the slick Pegatron factory, and looks neglected and uncomfortable



Close quarters: The 28-year-old investigator, who spent 10 days living in the complex in September last year, told Mail Online, 'The dormitories were terrible'


16. 一位曾為和碩工作4年、來自江西省的員工苦澀的表示:「這裡的老闆對待員工就像機器人一樣。」

Lack of light: The closure of the dormitory blocks – a converted former factory complex used for years by Pegatron – saw hundreds of workers sent home, according to one of the security guards kept on to watch over the premises



Austere: The dorms were damp and mouldy and had a bedbug problem during the time an investigator from China Labor Watch stayed



Miserable: One 28-year-old from China's Jiangxi province who has been at Pegatron for four years and lives in an on-site dormitory said bitterly: 'The bosses here treat us like robots to make money for them



Deserted: 'There were 6,000 workers here at its peak but orders from Apple have been getting less and less in the past two years so the company decided to close the whole dormitory complex here,' a security guard said



Empty: The closure of the dormitory blocks – a converted former factory complex used for years by Pegatron – saw hundreds of workers sent home, according to one of the security guards kept on to watch over the premises


21. 建築內仍有許多員工遺留下來的東西。

Junk: The site where up to 6,000 workers were housed is still littered with the remnants of workers' lives, including a Santa Claus outfit


22. 公佈欄上還貼著安全跟清潔的相關資訊。

Rules: The corridors at the dormitory complex carry posters with details of working patterns and signs about safety and hygiene



Fear: Another 25-year-old worker who lives in one of around nine dormitories outside the main factory complex told MailOnline, 'The biggest problems with the off-site dorms isn't that they're dirty and crowded. It's the crime. They aren't safe and security staff can't keep control of them'


24. 男女生的宿舍被嚴格分開,就連屋頂的曬衣場也被高高的柵欄分開,看得出裡面的生活有多麼不自由。

Divide: The men's and women's dormitory blocks are strictly segregated with a padlocked high fence separating the shared drying areas for laundry on the dormitory rooftop and throughout the building we entered we saw mementos of the harsh lives once lived here


25. 和碩聯合科技經常被指控壓榨中國工人,但蘋果堅稱與工作環境無關,也因此邀請了記者跟攝影師參觀上海工廠。 

Previous claims: Pegatron was accused of shoddy treatment of workers making iPhones at its Shanghai factory in 2014 BBC investigation for Panorama. Apple said it strongly disagreed with the programme's conclusions


26. 宿舍的入口設有感應器,只有員工能通過。



 27. 一位來自蘇州省的員工表示:「我們被告知接下來將會有更多訂單,我們可能要輪更多班,如果我們有朋友有興趣的話也可以來加入。」



28. 上百名員工正等待點名。



29. 一名督導正拿着 iPad 檢查工人的工牌。








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