
奈及利亚翁多州发生了一起离奇事件。一开始是街坊邻居注意到一面墙后传出奇怪的声音,尽管这宛如鬼片的情节成了邻居们茶余饭后的话题,却没有人想去查看。直到墙壁中传出歌声,才开始有邻居觉得不太对劲,请警察拿鹤嘴锄敲开墙壁。 廣告1   原来12岁的男童Aduragbemi Sa

December 25, 2016


BOY, 12, FOUND ALIVE AFTER THREE DAYS TRAPPED IN WALL This is the incredible moment a 12-year-old boy is rescued after spending THREE DAYS trapped in a tiny gap between and house and a wall. Aduragbemi Saka had been visiting a cafe alone when he started playing in 12-inches wide gap between the breeze block wall and a student house. But he became stuck and with no relatives nearby he spent three days crying to himself - with passersby ignoring the sounds. Eventually neighbours heard the boy singing to himself and they looked inside the gap to see him curled up in a ball. Police smashed through the wall and pulled him out covered in dust but still alive in the Oduduwa Area of Ondo state, Nigeria. Resident Felicia Olaniyi said the by had run away from his grandmother who had been looking after him at the time. She said: ''I asked my neighbours if they were aware of the strange voice inside the wall and they were also confused about what was going on there. ''So we got a ladder to trace where the voice was coming from and found the young boy where he was stuck. A policeman had to break the wall to rescue him.'' Another neighbour Charity Adebayo said: ''We heard a voice speaking that 'I am Judas Iscariot. The following day we asked for a ladder and found him. We discovered the poor boy.'' The youngster has since been reunited with his grandmother. ©Exclusivepix Media


原来12岁的男童Aduragbemi Saka在玩的时候不小心掉进墙壁跟房子的缝隙之间,结果就在没有食物跟水的状况下持续向外呼救3天,最后还是他唱给自己听的歌救了他一命。

BOY, 12, FOUND ALIVE AFTER THREE DAYS TRAPPED IN WALL This is the incredible moment a 12-year-old boy is rescued after spending THREE DAYS trapped in a tiny gap between and house and a wall. Aduragbemi Saka had been visiting a cafe alone when he started playing in 12-inches wide gap between the breeze block wall and a student house. But he became stuck and with no relatives nearby he spent three days crying to himself - with passersby ignoring the sounds. Eventually neighbours heard the boy singing to himself and they looked inside the gap to see him curled up in a ball. Police smashed through the wall and pulled him out covered in dust but still alive in the Oduduwa Area of Ondo state, Nigeria. Resident Felicia Olaniyi said the by had run away from his grandmother who had been looking after him at the time. She said: ''I asked my neighbours if they were aware of the strange voice inside the wall and they were also confused about what was going on there. ''So we got a ladder to trace where the voice was coming from and found the young boy where he was stuck. A policeman had to break the wall to rescue him.'' Another neighbour Charity Adebayo said: ''We heard a voice speaking that 'I am Judas Iscariot. The following day we asked for a ladder and found him. We discovered the poor boy.'' The youngster has since been reunited with his grandmother. ©Exclusivepix Media


住在附近的Felicia Olaniyi说:「我问街坊邻居有没有听到墙内传出奇怪的声音,他们都很困惑怎么会发生这种事。」最后邻居们才搬梯子查看里面的情况,并叫来警察。Felicia表示男孩偷偷从祖母身边跑掉,而祖母也在找他。好消息是尽管在无水无食物的状况下待了3天,男孩并没有受到太大伤害。

BOY, 12, FOUND ALIVE AFTER THREE DAYS TRAPPED IN WALL This is the incredible moment a 12-year-old boy is rescued after spending THREE DAYS trapped in a tiny gap between and house and a wall. Aduragbemi Saka had been visiting a cafe alone when he started playing in 12-inches wide gap between the breeze block wall and a student house. But he became stuck and with no relatives nearby he spent three days crying to himself - with passersby ignoring the sounds. Eventually neighbours heard the boy singing to himself and they looked inside the gap to see him curled up in a ball. Police smashed through the wall and pulled him out covered in dust but still alive in the Oduduwa Area of Ondo state, Nigeria. Resident Felicia Olaniyi said the by had run away from his grandmother who had been looking after him at the time. She said: ''I asked my neighbours if they were aware of the strange voice inside the wall and they were also confused about what was going on there. ''So we got a ladder to trace where the voice was coming from and found the young boy where he was stuck. A policeman had to break the wall to rescue him.'' Another neighbour Charity Adebayo said: ''We heard a voice speaking that 'I am Judas Iscariot. The following day we asked for a ladder and found him. We discovered the poor boy.'' The youngster has since been reunited with his grandmother. ©Exclusivepix Media



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