
这只小狗狗被用绳子綑绑,然后丢入一个塑胶袋中。袋子又从一台车上被丢了出来,这个恐怖的悲剧发生在美国南卡州哥伦比亚市。动物收容所人员Michelle Reid表示他们接到了匿名人士爆料,说发现了这只小狗狗。 廣告1   到场在急救时,他们发现这只狗狗的脚被绑几来,脖子上

June 5, 2017

这只小狗狗被用绳子綑绑,然后丢入一个塑胶袋中。袋子又从一台车上被丢了出来,这个恐怖的悲剧发生在美国南卡州哥伦比亚市。动物收容所人员Michelle Reid表示他们接到了匿名人士爆料,说发现了这只小狗狗。






小狗狗后来被取名叫Olivia,收容所的人愿意付$1000 美金 ($3万台币) 看有没有人可以跟他们爆料凶手是谁。他们表示一定要找到虐待这只无辜小狗狗的人!



ValiantAnimalRescue.Org VALIANT Animal Rescue & Relief is offering a $1000 reward to anyone that has information that leads to the arrest of the individual(s) responsible for this cruel act! Statement from Michelle Reid: “I’ve been doing animal cruelty work for years and personally processed the evidence in this case as I do with all Valiant cases. This was not a quick easy task for someone to tie up a living creature in this manner. It was cold and calculated. It takes a certain kind of evil to do something like this. It was intended for this puppy to suffer immensely over time and eventually succumb and die. There is no excuse. This is pure evil!” We could use the Public’s help! Please speak up if you know something concerning the individual(s) responsible. Please consider donating any amount to help support the costs associated with this case! Ways to donate: https://npo.justgive.org/ARR is a link to our “Just Give” page where you can donate via credit card online. You will receive an automatic tax receipt via email. You can also donate via PayPal at [email protected]. Or Mail Donations to Valiant Animal Rescue PO Box 13477 Charleston SC 29422

Posted by Valiant: Animal Rescue + Relief on Monday, February 20, 2017





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加入粉絲團! 小狗狗被綑绑后装塑胶袋从车上被丢出,医疗人员看到脖子上的伤口气到要求「大家肉搜」!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友