
1. 贩卖机都跟你过不去。 imgur.com   2. 叠叠乐也不想被你玩。 imgur.com 廣告1   3. 啤酒宁愿自爆也不想被你喝。 imgur.com   4. 你绝对从来不知道罐头竟可以这么讨厌一个人。 imgur.com 廣告2   5. 马桶刷也讨厌你。 imgur.com 廣告3   6. 最不该着火的东西也引火自

October 14, 2015

1. 贩卖机都跟你过不去。

Vending machines are against you.


2. 叠叠乐也不想被你玩。

Jenga is so against you it doesn't even make sense any more.


3. 啤酒宁愿自爆也不想被你喝。

Beer is against you.


4. 你绝对从来不知道罐头竟可以这么讨厌一个人。

Cans are against you more than you even could have imagined.


5. 马桶刷也讨厌你。

Toilets are against you.


6. 最不该着火的东西也引火自焚。

Bascially everything is against you.


7. 说好的双色水果糖出现一堆黄色…

Because life is this bag of Starburst with only yellow ones.


8. 连这颗蓝色的小东西都要跟你过不去….

It's this one tiny thing out of place.


9. 超悲剧的可乐罐。

It's this tragic can.


10. 我想人生本来就是跟这个可乐罐一样悲剧吧。

Life is this tragic can as well.


11. 还有这个超不用心的卷筒卫生纸…

It's this messed-up toilet roll.


12. 看了就让人悲伤。

It's this saddest bottle of wine.


13. 人生就如同这瓶牛奶一样,看的到喝不到。

Life is this milk you can't even get at.
Twitter: @chrisbrandybock


14. 怎么会有人想要这样吃…..到底是多跟巧克力有多过不去?!

Meanwhile, people do this, and that just proves that everything in the world is against you.


15. 这些人这样做都不会良心不安吗?

People do this.


16. 我一定要跟你绝交。

People do this.


17. 有必要这样整一个内急的人吗?

The world is against you because people think this is fine.
Twitter: @duraktugce


18. 已经不知道到底该放弃擦屁股还是对抗这只蜘蛛了。

The world is against you because of this spider.


19. 还真会挑地方。

And this one.


20. 这个罐头是!?

This can is against you as well.


21. 剪刀也罢工。

These scissors don't care about you.


22. 这只汤匙一点也不在乎你的感受。

This spoon has no concern about you.


23. 这只叉子也是。

And neither does this fork.


24. 这个包装超讨厌你。

This packet actively hates you.


25. 这个罐头也看你不爽。

And so does this can.


26. 就连百事可乐也要变成蓝色。

The world is against you because blue Pepsi actually exists.


27. 难道冰箱厂商跟鸡蛋厂商不能协调一下吗?

The world is against you because all the eggs never fit.


28. 过度包装的冰淇淋。

The world is against you because this can actually happen to an ice cream cone.


29. 连NOKIA3310都会坏掉,我看世界末日真的要来了。

And finally, the world is against you because Nokia phones can actually be broken, and that means you simply can't trust anything any more.



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